
How to make google-test classes friends with my classes?

I heard there is a possibility to enable google-test TestCase classes friends to my classes, thus enabling tests to access my private/protected members.

How to accomplish that?


  • Try this (straight from Google Test docs...):

    FRIEND_TEST(TestCaseName, TestName);

    For example:

    // foo.h
    #include <gtest/gtest_prod.h>
    // Defines FRIEND_TEST.
    class Foo {
      FRIEND_TEST(FooTest, BarReturnsZeroOnNull);
      int Bar(void* x);
    // foo_test.cc
    TEST(FooTest, BarReturnsZeroOnNull) {
      Foo foo;
      EXPECT_EQ(0, foo.Bar(NULL));
      // Uses Foo's private member Bar().