I think this should be relatively straightforward, was wondering if anyone knew how to answer this:
Define a recursive function seq-min : N+ -> N which returns the smallest value in a sequence of natural numbers.
I was thinking something along the lines of...
if hd seq < hd tl seq then seq-min([hd seq] concat tl tl seq)
else if hd seq > hd tl seq then seq-min(tl seq)
else if hd seq = hd tl seq then seq-min(tl seq)
Thanks for any help!
Here is a slightly different approach, using a single function:
seq_min: seq of nat -> nat
seq_min(s) ==
cases s:
[x] -> x,
[x] ^ rest ->
let min = seq_min(rest) in
if x < min then x else min
pre len s > 0;
This has the advantage that it is short and intuitive (and a single function). Specifications can be very clear when they are written as a set of "patterns" in a cases expression like this, as each case is explicitly "explained".