
Maven: how to setup my pom.xml so that it can fetch dependencies via HTTP and deploy module via FTP

I'm trying to setup the pom.xml for one of my projects. And I can't figure out how to make it fetch dependencies via HTTP, but deploy new artifacts via FTP.

Here's the situation. I have a multi-module project on which I am working collaboratively with some other people. I also happen to rent a cheap web server that could allow me to share release and snapshot versions of some of my modules via a maven repository.

I want deployment to the repository to be authenticated (so that only authorized people can write to it) and to be done via FTP.

On the other hand, I want everyone to be able to download the published version of the artifacts anonymously via HTTP.

So far, the only thing I found was to add the following section to my pom.xml

        <name>My Repository - Snapshots</name>
        <name>My Repository - Releases</name>

The problem with this setup is that it doesn't let me pick FTP for upload and HTTP for download.

Is there any way to configure my pom.xml to do that?


  • Turns out the solution was right under my nose. The repositories for deploying artifacts are indeed configured through <distributionManagement/>, but repositories for fetching artifacts are configured through the <repositories> element in the <profiles> section.

    My working pom.xml configuration now includes:

            <name>Repository - Releases</name>
            <name>Repository - Snapshots</name>

    on top of that, my settings.xml contains the authentication information for FTP
