
Java 1.4 sub string retreival

I have a string:

     thorax1  [00400 - 00479]
    su  [00100 - 0022200su]
    head1  [00100 - 00228]
    head1  [00100 - 00228]
    thorax1  [00400 - 00479]
    lab66  [lab661]

this can be big also. I need to retrieve the value that is there is in square bracket,

i.e. 00400 - 00479, 00100 - 0022200su ,00100 - 00228

I have used:

String Lab1=thorax1  [00400 - 00479]
su  [00100 - 0022200su]
head1  [00100 - 00228]
head1  [00100 - 00228]
thorax1  [00400 - 00479]
lab66  [lab661]

Lab1=    Lab.substring(Lab.indexOf("[")+1,Lab.indexOf("]"));

but this is only giving me 00400 - 00479

I need the output like 00400 - 00479, 00100 - 0022200su ,00100 - 00228 and so on.

Can anyone help me to get the desire output?


  • The problem is that what you are trying to do works only once. You need to place that logic (and add some more) into a loop.

    This should do what you need:

    String Lab = "thorax1  [00400 - 00479]"
                    + "su  [00100 - 0022200su] "
                    + "head1  [00100 - 00228] "
                    + "head1  [00100 - 00228] "
                    + "thorax1  [00400 - 00479] " +
                        "lab66  [lab661]";
            int first = 0;
        int last = 0;
            first = Lab.indexOf("[", first) + 1;
            last = Lab.indexOf("]", first);
            if(first <= 0)
            System.out.println(Lab.substring(first, last));


    00400 - 00479
    00100 - 0022200su
    00100 - 00228
    00100 - 00228
    00400 - 00479