
Where can I find the gtk-builder-convert script?

I've built a small GUI app for work that uses some .glade files for pop-up windows. Recently, the ground beneath me was shifted - my environment was upgraded. Newer pyGTK versions require GTKBuilder and .xml files instead of Glade and .glade files and now my poor app is broken.

I need to convert the .glade file to the newer .xml file. Problem is Glade-3 is not on our system, and I can't find gtk-builder-convert on the web. I've looked at the Gnome GIT Browser, don't know where to start looking or how to search it.

Would anyone be kind enough to point me to the gtk-builder-convert python script?


  • gtk-builder-convert is part of GTK and it should already be installed on your system since you have GTK version 2.12 or higher. But if you really can't find it, here it is in the git browser: