
How to get selected value from dropdownlist in using Javascript?

I am populating country dropdownlist from a database. I need to select a value from dropdown list and assign it to textbox by using Javascript.


var textboxId = document.getElementById("txtCountry");
var dropdownListId =document.getElementById("ddlLocation"); 

var e = document.getElementById("ddlLocation"); 
var strUser = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;

document.getElementById(textboxId).value = strUser;    

by doing this I am getting error. Any solutions?


  • Your code is wrong, Look at where I've made the changes to the same code:

    var textboxId = document.getElementById("txtCountry");
    var e = document.getElementById("ddlLocation"); 
    var strUser = e.options[e.selectedIndex].value;
    textboxId.value = strUser;    

    What you did, is you selected your textbox and JS returned you a DOM element of that text box and you wanted to populate it by passing the DOM of the textBox inside the getElementById() function.

    Here is where it broke:

    document.getElementById(textboxId).value = strUser;

    To use getElementById() method, you pass a string value of the id of an element.

    Hope this helps.