How does one go about making a delegate, i.e. NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate
in swift?
It is not that different from obj-c. First, you have to specify the protocol in your class declaration, like following:
class MyClass: NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate
The implementation will look like following:
// NSUserNotificationCenterDelegate implementation
func userNotificationCenter(center: NSUserNotificationCenter, didDeliverNotification notification: NSUserNotification) {
func userNotificationCenter(center: NSUserNotificationCenter, didActivateNotification notification: NSUserNotification) {
func userNotificationCenter(center: NSUserNotificationCenter, shouldPresentNotification notification: NSUserNotification) -> Bool {
return true
Of course, you have to set the delegate. For example:
NSUserNotificationCenter.defaultUserNotificationCenter().delegate = self;