This is my code, i want to select data from a database that is between two dates:
Dim Sql As String = "Select strCodSeccao,strAbrevTpDoc,strCodExercicio,strNumero From Mov_Venda_Cab where dtmdate between " & date1 & " and " & date2 & ";"
The sqlserver database dtmdate field is smalldatetime and here is the code from date1 and date2:
Dim data1, data2 As DateTime
data1 = DateTime.Parse(txtDate1.Text)
data2 = DateTime.Parse(txtDate2.Text)
it says argument exception and doesnt execute the select command
thanks in advance __________________________/____________________________________/_______________
thanks Steve, i used your code and now i can select form a sql database to a another database and now it works
Dim x As Integer = 0
Dim temp1, temp2, temp3, temp4 As String
Dim Sql As String = "Select strCodSeccao,strAbrevTpDoc,strCodExercicio,strNumero " & _
"From Mov_Venda_Cab where dtmdata between @d1 and @d2"
Dim data1, data2 As DateTime
data1 = DateTime.Parse(txtData1.Text)
data2 = DateTime.Parse(txtData2.Text)
data2 = data2.AddMinutes(0)
data2 = data2.AddHours(0)
data2 = data2.AddSeconds(0)
data1 = data1.AddMinutes(0)
data1 = data1.AddHours(0)
data1 = data1.AddSeconds(0)
Using con = New SqlConnection("Data Source=" & txtserv.Text & ";" & "Initial Catalog=" & txtBD.Text & ";" & "User ID=" & txtuser.Text & ";" & "Password=" & txtPass.Text & "")
Using cmd = New SqlCommand(Sql, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", data1)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", data2)
Using reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While reader.Read()
Dim strCodSeccao = reader("strCodSeccao").ToString()
temp1 = reader.Item(x)
temp2 = reader.Item(x + 1)
temp3 = reader.Item(x + 2)
temp4 = reader.Item(x + 3)
Dim Con2 As New OleDb.OleDbConnection("Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=C:\Users\Utilizador.Utilizador-PC\Documents\Visual Studio 2013\Projects\WindowsApplication1\WindowsApplication1\Doc_Vendas_Cab.mdb;Persist Security Info=True")
Dim Ole2 As String = "Insert into Mov_Venda_Cab values('" & temp1 & "','" & temp2 & "','" & temp3 & "','" & temp4 & "');"
Dim OledbCom2 As New OleDb.OleDbCommand(Ole2, Con2)
Catch Ex As Exception
End Try
End While
End Using
End Using
End Using
You should use a parameterized query and pass the datetime values
Dim Sql As String = "Select strCodSeccao,strAbrevTpDoc,strCodExercicio,strNumero " & _
"From Mov_Venda_Cab where dtmdate between @d1 and @d2"
Dim data1, data2 As DateTime
data1 = DateTime.Parse(txtDate1.Text)
data2 = DateTime.Parse(txtDate2.Text)
data2 = data2.AddMinutes(1439)
Using con = new SqlConnection("connection string here")
Using cmd = new SqlCommand(Sql, con)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d1", data1)
cmd.Parameters.AddWithValue("@d2", data2)
Using reader = cmd.ExecuteReader()
While reader.Read() Then
Dim strCodSeccao = reader("strCodSeccao").ToString()
End While
End Using
End Using
End Using
Notice that I add 1439 minutes to the second date to be inclusive of the last day in case your datetime field includes also values with hours/minutes/seconds set.