
Getting error that event handler not registered in Coldbox

I am getting the following error message. I have already created Uploads.cfc handler in handlers directory. Checked everything, can't find the solution.

Error Type: HandlerService.EventHandlerNotRegisteredException : [N/A]

Error Messages: The event: uploads is not valid registered event.

Here is the Uploads.cfc code:

<!--- Default Action --->
<cffunction name="index" returntype="string" output="false" hint="My main event">
    <cfargument name="event">
    <cfargument name="rc">
    <cfargument name="prc">  
    <cfobject component="model.Uploader" name="fileUploader">
    <cfset filesJson = fileUploader.Upload(rc.file)>
    <cfreturn filesJson>

Can you please suggest a solution?


  • I have also encountered the same problem in the past. Try restart the ColdFusion Application Server.