
Two components with the same id ‘{}’ can’t be added to the application. AJAX

I am aware that it is a well-known error. But the solutions available online are not working for me.

I have AJAX calendar extender inside an updatepanel. When I do postback, it is trying to create the AJAX extendar controls twice, hence the problem.

Solutions available are saying to set debug=false, which makes the error disappear but duplicate controls are created on the page. Each control is appearing twice.

What else I could try?

Thanks ARB


  • Finally, I got it solved by moving controls into a separate update panel.

    I had both GridView and Ajax extender controls in one update panel. The postback is happening when I clicked on gridview row.

    Now I have GridView in one update panel and other controls in another update panel. That fixed it.

    Hope it saves somebody's invaluable time