
Emacs preview-latex to format python comments and docstrings

One of my favorite features of Emacs is the preview-latex package: it renders LaTeX equations in LaTeX documents as an inline graphic. Like this:

preview-latex screenshot

I'd like similar functionality in Emacs for Python comments and function docstrings. My docstrings have a lot of math in them:

def proj_levenberg(x,y,wsqrt,A):
    Finds a homography between two sets of 2d points.

    Specifically, approximately minimize the weighted image plane

       min_A  sum_{X,y,w}  w  ||(A_12 x_) /  (A_3 x_)  -  y||^2

    where x_=[x;1], A_12 are the first two rows of A and A_3 is the
    third row of A.

I'd like to write these in LaTex so that I when I browse my code, I can see rendered docstrings and comments.

Is there a way to do this or do I have to do surgergy on preview-latex?


  • I modified your code sample a bit so that emacs understands what portion of that needs to be replaced with latex fragments:

    def proj_levenberg(x,y,wsqrt,A):
        Finds a homography between two sets of 2d points.
        Specifically, approximately minimize the weighted image plane
           \(min_A  sum_{X,y,w}  w  ||(A_12 x_) /  (A_3 x_1)  -  y||^2\)
        where \(x_1\)=[x;1], \(A_{12}\) are the first two rows of A and \(A_3\) is the
        third row of A.

    Note that I have wrapped the latex fragments between \( and \) Source

    You need to have org mode installed. Org is installed by default in emacs but I have the latest org mode installed (version 8.0+) using the emacs package manager.

    I have the following in my emacs setup for previewing latex fragments:

    ;; Previewing latex fragments in org mode
    (setq org-latex-create-formula-image-program 'imagemagick) ;; Recommended to use imagemagick
    (load "auctex.el" nil t t)
    (load "preview-latex.el" nil t t)
    (setq LaTeX-command "latex -shell-escape")

    My org mode setup for emacs

    My latex setup for emacs

    With this setup when I do M-x org-preview-latex-fragment, I get the below. You can remove the previews using M-x org-ctrl-c-ctrl-c Note that I don't need to have the major mode to be org-mode. This function worked even where the buffer was in Python mode and the file was

    The catch is that this function will have to be run every time you re-open that file; emacs does not save the preview state of each file.

    Latex fragment preview