I created a sample TreePanel
using Sencha ExtJs 5.
I followed the sample example in the documentations and I am able to see the items (leaves and branches) but they are not coming as a Tree, but as a list.
Here is my code:
Ext.define('MyApp.store.ResourcesStore', {
extend : 'Ext.data.TreeStore',
root : {
expanded : true,
children : [ {
text : "UI Forms",
leaf: false,
expanded : true,
children : [ {
text : "Web",
leaf : true
}, {
text : "Smart Phone",
leaf : true
}, {
text : "Tablet",
leaf : true
}, ]
}, {
text : "Reports",
leaf : true
}, {
text : "Dashboards",
leaf : true
}, {
text : "Entities",
leaf : true
}, {
text : "Queries",
leaf : true
}, {
text : "Services",
leaf : true
} ]
Ext.define('MyApp.view.leftpanel.ResourcesView', {
extend : 'Ext.TreePanel',
xtype : 'resources-panel',
title : 'Resources',
store : 'ResourcesStore',
rootVisible : false
Here is what my output looks like:
After executing the sencha app build
Accordion panel got impacted.
If you use Sencha Cmd then you most likely need to:
sencha app refresh
sencha ant sass
and if it does not help then
sencha app build
Application bootstrap needs to know that you are using trees so it knows which css to load.