The following :confirm
pops up a window asking 'Delete the record?':
<%= link_to t('Delete'), misc_definition_path(@misc_definition), :method => :delete, :confirm => 'Delete the record?'
If adding I18n.t() to the message, however the confirm window does not pop up:
<%= link_to t('Delete'), misc_definition_path(@misc_definition), :method => :delete, :confirm => I18n.t('Delete the record?')
I tried "#{I18n.t()}" and not working. Is there a way the message can be I18n.t?
The syntax is correct.
Try this - Add some key in your config/locales/*.yml confirm_delete: 'Delete Record'
Use this key as-
<%= link_to t('Delete'), misc_definition_path(@misc_definition), :method => :delete, :confirm => I18n.t('confirm_delete') %>