
browserify and document ready?

I'm struggling with using Browserify and document ready events. How do I craft a module that exports content only available after the document ready event has fired? How do I depend on such a module?

My first stab was to try to set module.exports asynchronously -- fail out of the box. My nextx stab at this was for the module to return a function that took in a callback, and called the callback when document ready fired. Third attempt returned a promise. This seems to make dependent modules not very modular as now dependent modules and their dependencies (and theirs, turtles all the way down) must also leverage this pattern.

What's a good pattern for using Browserify and document ready events?


  • Try this:

    var domready = require("domready");
    domready(function () {
        exports.something = /* whatever you want */

    You'll need to download the domready package:

    npm install domready

    Then just use browserify:

    browserify input.js -o output.js

    Yes. It's that simple.

    Consider that we have two files: library.js and main.js.

    // library.js
    var domready = require("domready");
    domready(function () {
        exports.test = "Hello World!";
    // main.js
    var library = require("./library");
    var domready = require("domready");
    domready(function () {

    As long as you require your library before you register your main domready function you should be able to use your library seamlessly.

    Sometimes you may wish to set module.exports to a function. In that case you can use the following hack:

    // library.js
    var domready = require("domready");
    module.exports = function () {
        return exports._call.apply(this, arguments);
    domready(function () {
        exports._call = function () {
            alert("Hello World!");
    // main.js
    var library = require("./library");
    var domready = require("domready");
    domready(function () {

    Note that the _call property is not in any way special.