I use Roots theme (based on bootstrap) to develop custom WordPress sites. I've recently started using NextGen Gallery (and Gallery PRO) to add easily manageable photo galleries.
The issue I am having is a conflict between Bootstraps Carousel Interval Speed and NextGen Gallery. When NextGen is activated, the carousel speed sets itself to the default speed.
How can I get around this javascript conflict?
Here's the carousel script for the interval speed:
<script type="text/javascript">
interval: 400
interval: 650
Here's the website I am having issues with: www.dirtyblondecocktails.com
The gallery page is where the NextGen Gallery resides.
Can see by my script above that the two carousels should move at different speeds and much slower than they currently do on the site. As soon as I deactivate the NextGen plugin, the two carousels work perfectly.
Yes, I have tried deactivating other plugins to narrow it down to this specific one.
You're not using any bootstrap css and required bootstrap js.
Without its not gonna work.
Bootstrap required jquery and bootstrap js to function Collapsed menu,carousal etc.