I'm trying to split a string in MSSQL by only the first whitespace Considering here can have 2 spaces in their full name, I have no idea how to do this.
Henk de Vries
I would like to split it into:
Firstname: Henk
Lastname: de Vries
try using Patindex
create table #t(name varchar(20))
insert into #t values('Henk de Vries')
select substring(name,1,PATINDEX('% %',name)) as First_name,SUBSTRING(name,patindex('% %',name),LEN(name)) as Last_Name from #t
This is done to fix as said in comments by t-clausen.dk
select left(name,charindex(' ',name+' ')) as First_Name,substring(name,charindex(' ',name+' '),len(name)) as Last_Name from #t