Let's begin with some plain code. I have two following models. First is using MySQL:
class Phrase extends \Eloquent {
public function positions()
return $this->hasMany('Position');
public function getIdAttribute($id)
return (int) $id;
and second is using MongoDB:
use Jenssegers\Mongodb\Model as Eloquent;
class Position extends Eloquent {
protected $collection = 'positions';
protected $connection = 'mongodb';
public function phrase()
return $this->belongsTo('Phrase');
In my controller I want to get phrase positions:
which is generating query
positions.find({"positions.phrase_id":1}, [])
instead of
positions.find({"phrase_id":1}, [])
How I can fix it? The problem is inside HasMany method (http://laravel.com/api/source-class-Illuminate.Database.Eloquent.Model.html#_hasMany).
I managed to get the functionality by creating my own function inside the model
class Phrase extends \Eloquent {
public function positions()
return Position::where('phrase_id', '=', (int) $this->id)->get();
return $this->hasMany('Position');
$positions = Phrase::find(1)->positions();
Anyway, this solution is not a great replacement, because it's breaking convention. Third programmers may not know how to use this relationship.