I'm using Sigar library to get the process ID and monitor it.
I have a process which can change of name depending on the version of the application which runs that process. For example:
Is there a way using Sigar to get the process Id by specifing something like myProcess%
Right now I'm using this:
ProcessFinder find = new ProcessFinder(this.sigar);
long[] pids = find.find("Exe.Name.ct=" + this.processName);
I've been trying to use regular expresions by using the PTQL (Process Table Query Language) syntax without success:
//getting the process with name "Photoshop.exe" (not working currently)
long[] pids = find.find("Exe.Name.re=^Photo(.)*.exe$);
returns the path to the running process, not just the name of the process.
Therefore your regular expression should look like this:
long[] pids = this.find.find("Exe.Name.re=^.*\\\\Photo(.)*.exe$");