
Replace gksudo with pkexec using a individual message

My GUI will started as an user. There is an update-mechanism in the program, which calls a wrapper-script with root rights. For that i used gksudo, until i realized, that it is replaced by pkexec.

If i just replaced gksudo by pkexec it works quite fine. But i want to have an own message to the user. Therefore i have to modify or generate a xml-policy file in /usr/share/polkit-1/actions

My problem is, when i call

pkexec <my-program>

I'll get this prompt, which refers in Details-->Action to org.freedesktop.policykit.exec.

enter image description here

Do i have to place an action id-entry to this xml-file (org.freedesktop.policykit.exec) or do i have to create my own .policy file named com.myStuff.updater.policy into /usr/share/polkit-1/actions?


  <action id="com.myStuff.updater">
    <description>My description</description>
    <message>My message</message>
    <annotate key="com.myStuff.updater.exec.path">/my/path/to/wrapper.sh</annotate>
    <annotate key="com.myStuff.updater.exec.allow_gui">true</annotate>

Or should i call my whole application in my .desktop-file with pkexec?


  • I strongly suggest creating your own .policy file and leave org.freedesktop.policykit.exec alone, for several reasons:

    You may use gparted's policy file as a template.