
Where can I find the full DLNA specifications?

I'm looking to create a DLNA media server type of thing in Android. I've found myself a UPnP library for Java called CyberLink, and I'm looking to implement the DLNA interface for a M-DMS, or Mobile Digital Media Server, which has a quick description here:


The problem is that I can't find the actual technical specification for such a device. I've put in a lot of effort Googling, so please don't throw a 'JFGI' at me. I ran into a forum post that implied I might have to pay for access to the specification, but it was very vague:


The link that was posted as the apparent solution is also broken, and I can't find any similar document on the current UPnP website.

Does anybody know where I can find the DLNA specifications? Or perhaps an alternative solution to implementing it myself? Any help will be much appreciated!


  • The DLNA spec is now available to anyone -- you do not need to be a paying member to download.

    From the DLNA.org website: (http://www.dlna.org/dlna-for-industry/guidelines)

    Non-member companies may download the Guidelines using the form below.

    **Please note that the Guidelines you download today are the most current published version of the DLNA Guidelines. When new Guidelines are released, you will need to download the newer Guidelines to receive the additional updates. Note that not all updates are announced.