On recent android versions, number pickers use a blue divider when drawn (cf. image below).
I would like to change this color. Is there a working solution? or perhaps a library that package an updated version of NumberPicker that allows customizing the divider color?
I have tried android-numberpicker but I get an error (see below) at runtime due to some code from the library that tries to access to a resource id that does not exist.
android.content.res.Resources$NotFoundException: Resource ID #0x0
at android.content.res.Resources.getValue(Resources.java:1123)
at android.content.res.Resources.loadXmlResourceParser(Resources.java:2309)
at android.content.res.Resources.getLayout(Resources.java:939)
at android.view.LayoutInflater.inflate(LayoutInflater.java:395)
at net.simonvt.numberpicker.NumberPicker.<init>(NumberPicker.java:635)
at net.simonvt.numberpicker.NumberPicker.<init>(NumberPicker.java:560)
at net.simonvt.numberpicker.NumberPicker.<init>(NumberPicker.java:550)
Based on this (https://stackoverflow.com/a/20291416/2915480 although it's about DatePicker) there are several ways:
height or transparent color).OR remove if (mSelectionDivider != null)
branch from onDraw(Canvas) method in NumberPicker.java like here
Use reflection to access private final field mSelectionDivider
(details: https://github.com/android/platform_frameworks_base/blob/master/core/java/android/widget/NumberPicker.java) - e.g. see modification here.
I used reflection but it's not the best solution.
Use theming to override the number picker's divider color in API 21+: ?attr/colorControlNormal
determines the color of the divider in material number picker, so changing this color in your widget's theme will do the trick, e.g. for DatePicker:
<style name="MyAppTheme.NumberPicker" parent=" MyAppTheme">
<item name="android:colorControlNormal"> ?colorAccent </item>
and in the widget:
android:theme="@style/MyAppTheme.NumberPicker" />