
WPF Animation Duration

I have a storyboard like the following

Duration="0:0:1" Completed="DeviceExplorer_Completed">

The animation for some reason does not appear to be working linearly. If I change the duration to something like Duration="0:0:0.8"

and assign the stroyboard to a MouseEnter event of a button, the animation moves but does not complete for some reason, I move my mouse over the button a few times before it enetually completes...

Any ideas why?


  • I had an issue with something like this when I was creating the storyboard and animations dynamically. What helped me was to ensure that the duration was set on the individual animations. You might try putting a button on your screen and using that to fire the storyboard... placing a breakpoint there would let you ensure that the animations had the same duration as the storyboard.

    After finding the workaround, I haven't had the time to fully debug the issue but I suspect it had to do with the order in which I am creating the storyboard and animations. In my situation, the storyboard is very dynamic so adjusting the duration on a few extra objects is the least of my concerns.