I am using the $routeParams to pull in properties from the URI and set local vars to them.
When I use typescripts typing to set the type of $routeParams, I can no loger access the $routeParams.
How can I access the properties in the $routeParams?
class Controller{
constructor($routeParams: ng.route.IRouteParamsService, private $location: ng.ILocationService)
this.propetry1 = this.getProperty1($routeParams.property1);
property1: string;
getProperty1(input: string):string{
return (input || "Not present");
The ng.route.IRouteParamsService code is:
interface IRouteParamsService {
[key: string]: any;
This has a error: the property 'property1 does not exist on type of ng.route.IRouteParamsService'
If I change the type of $routeParams to :any then it correctly sets property1. How can I keep the strict typing of Typescript while still acessing the properties in $routeParams?
Figured it out. You need to declare an Interface that uses IRouteParamsService and specifies the properties you want to use.
interface IRouteParams extends ng.route.IRouteParamsService {
class Controller{
constructor($routeParams: IRouteParams, private $location: ng.ILocationService)
this.propetry1 = this.getProperty1($routeParams.property1);
property1: string;
getProperty1(input: string):string{
return (input || "Not present");
Notice the change in the constructor of the controller.