Sorry for my english and sorry if this message composed incorrect - it is my first question.
I had lost 2 evenings when tried to resolve one interesting problem with mysql disconnecting, after procedure call. It's going to be more interesting, when I'll say, that problem is only with SELECT queries in procedures.
So, my example. I have 2 classes and procedure:
1) DBCONN - for connection and handle queries.
class DBCONN
private $mysqlC = null;
public function __construct()
public function __destruct()
private function CreateConnection()
$mC = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "root", "root");
if ($mC->connect_error)
die('Bye. '.$mC->connect_errno."-".$mC->connect_error);
$this->mysqlC = $mC;
private function CloseConnection()
private function _error()
die('Bye. '.$this->mysqlC->connect_errno."-".$this->mysqlC->connect_error);
public function SetData($call, $types = null, $params = null)
$stmt = $this->mysqlC->stmt_init();
if ($stmt->prepare($call) === FALSE)
if ($params && call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_param"), array_merge(array($types), $params)) === FALSE)
if ($stmt->execute() === FALSE)
$insid = $stmt->insert_id;
$affrows = $stmt->affected_rows;
return array($insid, $affrows);
public function GetData($call, $types = null, $params = null)
print 'status = '.$this->mysqlC->ping();
//print $call;
$stmt = $this->mysqlC->stmt_init();
if ($stmt->prepare($call) === FALSE)
if ($params && call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_param"), array_merge(array($types), $params)) === FALSE)
if ($stmt->execute() === FALSE)
if ($stmt->store_result() === FALSE)
$meta = $stmt->result_metadata();
while ($field = $meta->fetch_field())
$var[] = &$row[$field->name];
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $var);
$arr = null;
while ($stmt->fetch())
foreach($row as $key => $val)
$c[$key] = $val;
$arr[] = $c;
return $arr;
2) BASEACTIONS - creates DBCONN object and sends text commands to it.
private $conn = null;
public function __construct() {
$this->conn = new DBCONN();
private function CheckPassword($email = '', $pass = '')
$arr = $this->conn->GetData("CALL Login_Actions(-1, '$email', '', '$pass', '');");
$arr = $this->conn->GetData("CALL Login_Actions(-1, '$email', '', '$pass', '');");
return ($arr[0]['isTrue']==1 ? true : false);
private function UpdateSession($email)
if (!session_regenerate_id()) return false;
$session = session_id();
"CALL Login_Session(2, ?, ?)",
array(&$email, &$session)
return true;
public function LoginUser($email = '', $pass = '')
if (!$this->UpdateSession($email)) return false;
if (!$this->CheckPassword($email, $pass)) return false;
return true;
3) Stored procedure
CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `Login_Actions`(
_action INT,
_vcEmail varchar(50),
_vcNickname varchar(20),
_vcPassword varchar(255),
_vcPasssalt varchar(10)
case _action
when -1 then
select md5(concat(md5(_vcPassword), vcPasssalt)) = vcPassword 'isTrue' from Login where vcEmail=_vcEmail;
when 0 then
select iId, vcEmail, vcNickname from Login;
when 1 then
insert into Login(vcEmail, vcNickname, dtDateAdd, vcPassword, vcPasssalt) values(_vcEmail, _vcNickname, UTC_TIMESTAMP(), md5(concat(md5(_vcPassword), _vcPasssalt)), _vcPasssalt);
end case;
Well... I've marked for you 2 blocks in these code like '//#LOOK HERE' - please, find it before.
If you will implement next code...
$BASE->LoginUser("", "mypassword"); will return to you
status = 1
status = Bye. 0-
But if you will change "CALL Login_Actions(-1, '$email', '', '$pass', '');" on query which case procedure with these parameters "select md5(concat(md5($pass), vcPasssalt)) = vcPassword 'isTrue' from Login where vcEmail=$email;", you'll get OK result.
status = 1
status = 1
I can't understand - why mysql connection close everytime after PROCEDURE with SELECT? There are no problems with INSERT in PROCERUDE. Please, help - I'm tearing my hairs.
UPD: Error occurs in "if ($stmt->prepare($call) === FALSE) $this->_error();" of GetData method. First implement of it is OK, all the rest is bad.
I found some solution. It is't pretty, but it works and helps to solve a problem with calling of many procedures in 1 connection.
I need to add this line in my GetData method.
while(mysqli_more_results($this->mysqlC)) //<<<<---- this line
mysqli_next_result($this->mysqlC); //<<<<---- this line
return $arr;
So, final class is:
class DBConn
private $mysqlC = null;
public function __construct()
$mC = new mysqli("localhost", "user", "password", "database");
if ($mC->connect_error)
$this->Error("Bye. ", $mC->connect_errno, $mC->connect_error);
$this->mysqlC = $mC;
public function __destruct()
private function IsConnected()
return $this->mysqlC->ping();
private function Error($msg = '', $errno = 0, $error = '')
die("Bye. {$msg} ".
($errno != 0 ? "errno: {$errno} - {$error}"
: "errno: {$this->mysqlC->errno} - {$this->mysqlC->error}"));
public function SetData($call, $types = null, $params = null)
$stmt = $this->mysqlC->stmt_init();
if ($stmt->prepare($call) === false) {
$this->Error("", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
if ($params) {
$result = call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_param"),
array_merge(array($types), $params));
if ($result === false) {
$this->Error("", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
if ($stmt->execute() === false) {
$this->Error("", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
$insid = $stmt->insert_id;
$affrows = $stmt->affected_rows;
return array($insid, $affrows);
public function GetData($call, $types = null, $params = null)
$stmt = $this->mysqlC->stmt_init();
if ($stmt->prepare($call) === false) {
$this->Error("", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
if ($params) {
$result = call_user_func_array(array($stmt, "bind_param"),
array_merge(array($types), $params));
if ($result === false) {
$this->Error("", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
if ($stmt->execute() === false) {
$this->Error("", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
$result = $stmt->store_result();
if ( $result === false && !empty($stmt->error) ) { // failing!!! and throw away result
$this->Error("", $stmt->errno, $stmt->error);
$meta = $stmt->result_metadata();
while ($field = $meta->fetch_field()) {
$var[] = &$row[$field->name];
call_user_func_array(array($stmt, 'bind_result'), $var);
$arr = null;
while ($stmt->fetch()) {
foreach($row as $key => $val)
$c[$key] = $val;
$arr[] = $c;
while(mysqli_more_results($this->mysqlC)) //<<<<---- this line
mysqli_next_result($this->mysqlC); //<<<<---- this line
return $arr;
Thank you all, geeks!