My configuration is copied from . The purpose is to update existing tag file once i save source file. But the result is the same as expected.
The full configuration is:
(gtags-mode 1)
(defun gtags-root-dir ()
"Returns GTAGS root directory or nil if doesn't exist."
(if (zerop (call-process "global" nil t nil "-pr"))
(buffer-substring (point-min) (1- (point-max)))
(defun gtags-update-single(filename)
"Update Gtags database for changes in a single file"
(start-process "update-gtags" "update-gtags" "bash" "-c" (concat "cd " (gtags-root-dir) " ; gtags --single-update " filename )))
(defun gtags-update-current-file()
(defvar filename)
(setq filename (replace-regexp-in-string (gtags-root-dir) "." (buffer-file-name (current-buffer))))
(gtags-update-single filename)
(message "Gtags updated for %s" filename))
(defun gtags-update-hook()
"Update GTAGS file (insert )ncrementally upon saving a file"
(when gtags-mode ;;It is copy past error..
(when (gtags-root-dir)
(add-hook 'after-save-hook 'gtags-update-hook)
My understanding is that tags will be update via command
(gtags-update-single filename)
(message "Gtags updated for %s" filename))
once file in buffer is saved. That means a new added or renamed or removed function will be updated to the tag file. In my test, I do see output message(The tags is in ededemo directory ):
Wrote /other/projectbase/cplusproject/ededemo/src/main.cpp
Gtags updated for ./src/main.cpp
each time function is renamed or added after c-x c-s. But M-x gtags-find-tag could not find my new added function. Is there any wrong in understanding?
This line is clearly responsible/broken:
(when gtags-;-*- mode: ${1:mode} -*-
Looking at the Wiki page, I can't fathom how you managed to end up with that.
The docstring comment is also corrupted. Just copy the whole function again.