I have a json with all posts my blog and I wanna to return all the values of "tags" array. So, see the json example below:
"title":"Post Title 01",
"title":"Post Title 02",
So, I need to get the only tags values in loop, for example:
for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; i++) {
console.info("Here [i = 0] should be show the Politcs and Science and after [i = 1] show Football and Soccer");
I tried to create a other loop to search tags and using tags[1], tags[2], etc but don't works.
var tags = [];
for (var tag in posts[i].tags) {
Any idea?
If I understand it well, you can use
var tags = [];
for (var i = 0; i < posts.length; ++i) {
ES5 map
var tags = posts.map(function(post){
return post.tags;
ES5 map
+ ES6 arrow functions:
var tags = posts.map(post => post.tag);