
Why does SegmentedControl in BB10 QML file only show 4 Options?

My SegmentedControl needs to have 6 options. So I have the following QML:

import bb.cascades 1.2

Container {
    topPadding: 20.0
    SegmentedControl {
        selectedIndex: 0
        Option {
            text: "1"
        Option {
            text: "2"
        Option {
            text: "5"
        Option {
            text: "10"
        Option {
            text: "20"
        Option {
            text: "50"

In Momentics however, I see only the first 4 options. Why?


  • If you look in documentation, right at the top it says

    SegmentedControl allows you to create a horizontal row with up to four visible options.

    So basically you can't. Unless you make a control that acts just like it