
Writing a parser - In the need of guides and research papers

My knowledge about implementing a parser is a bit rusty.

I have no idea about the current state of research in the area, and could need some links regarding recent advances and their impact on performance.

General resources about writing a parser are also welcome, (tutorials, guides etc.) since much of what I had learned at college I have already forgotten :)

I have the Dragon book, but that's about it.

And does anyone have input on parser generators like ANTLR and their performance? (ie. comparison with other generators)

edit My main target is RDF/OWL/SKOS in N3 notation.


  • Mentioning the dragon book and antlr means you've answered your own question.

    If you're looking for other parser generators you could also check out boost::spirit (

    Depending on what you're trying to achieve you might also want to consider a DSL, which you can either parse yourself or write in a scripting language like boo, ruby, python etc...