
Glimpse making everything 50x slower

Ive been using glimpse to try to address some slow page issues, only to discover that glimpse is the cause. The page requests are 30000+ seconds, without glimpse they are instant. So I've been chasing ghosts.

How can I use glimpse to see how long everything takes when it is causing such speed differences.

Do I have something configured wrong or is it always this slow


  • Update your glimpse web.config element to have the following entries:

    <glimpse defaultRuntimePolicy="On" endpointBaseUri="~/Glimpse.axd">
                <add type="Glimpse.Mvc.Tab.ModelBinding, Glimpse.Mvc3" />
                <add type="Glimpse.Mvc.Tab.Metadata, Glimpse.Mvc3" />
                <add type="Glimpse.Mvc.Inspector.ModelBinderInspector, Glimpse.Mvc3" />