
What is the real delivered value of JTA?

I'm trying to wrap my head around the value underneath the Java Transactions API (JTA) and one of its implementations, Bitronix. But as I dig deeper and deeper into the documentation, I just can't help but think of the following, simple example:

public interface Transactional {
    public void commit(Object);
    public void rollback();

public class TransactionalFileWriter extends FileWriter implements Transactional {
    public void commit(Object obj) {
        String str = (String)obj;

        // Write the String to a file.

    public void rollback() {
        // Obtain a handler to the File we are writing to, and delete the file.
        // This returns the file system to the state it was in before we created a file and started writing to it.
        File f = getFile();

        // This is just pseudo-code for the sake of this example.

// Some method in a class somewhere...
public void doSomething(File someFile) {
    TransactionalFileWriter txFileWriter = getTxFW(someFile);
    try {
        txFileWriter.commit("Create the file and write this message to it.");
    } catch(Throwable t) {

Don't get too caught up in the actual code above. The idea is simple: a transactional file writer that creates a file and writes to it. It's rollback() method deletes the file, thus returning the file system to the same state it was in before the commit(Object).

Am I missing something here? Is this all the JTA offers? Or is there a whole different set of dimensionality/aspects to transactionality that isn't represented by my simple example above? I'm guessing the latter but have yet to see anything concrete in the JTA docs. If I am missing something, then what is it, and can someone show me concrete examples? I can see transactionality being a huge component of JDBC but would hopefully like to get an example of JTA in action with something other than databases.


  • The biggest feature of JTA is that you can compose several transactional stores in one application and run transactions that span across these independent stores.

    For instance, you can have a DB, a distributed transactional key-value store and your simple FileWriter and have a transaction that performs operations on all of these and commit all the changes in all the stores at once.

    Take a look at infinispan. That's a transactional data grid, it uses JTA and can be used in combination with other JTA transactional services.


    Basically JTA is connected to the X/Open XA standard and it provides means to interact with X/Open XA resources directly in Java code. You can use alredy existing data-stores which hold X/Open XA compliant resources, such as databases, distributed data-grids and so on. Or you can define your own resources by implementing javax.transaction.xa.XAResource. Then, when your User transaction uses these resources, the transaction manager will orchestrate everything for you, no matter where the resources are located, in which data-store.

    The whole bussiness is managed by the transaction manager which is responsible for synchronizing independent data-stores. JTA doesn't come with a transaction manager. JTA is just an API. You could write your own if you wish to (javax.transaction.TransactionManager), but obviously that's a difficult task. Instead what you want is to use some already implemented JTA service/library which features a transaction manager. For instance, if you use infinispan in your application you can use its transaction manager to allow your transactions to interact with different data-stores as well. It's best to seek further information on how to accomplish this from the implementators of JTA interface.

    You can find full JTA API documentation here, though it's pretty long. There are also some tutorials available that talk about how to use Java EE Transaction Manager and update multiple data-stores but it is pretty obscure and doesn't provide any code samples.

    You can check out Infinispan's documentation and tutorials, though I can't see any example that would combine Infinispan with other data-store.

    Edit 2:

    To answer your question from the comment: your understanding is more or less correct, but I'll try to clarify it further.

    It'll be easier to explain the architecture and answer your question with a picture. The below are taken from the JTA spec 1.1

    This is the X/Open XA architecture:

    X/Open XA achitecture

    Each data-store (a database, message queue, SAP ERP system, etc) has its own resource manager. In case of a relational database, the JDBC driver is a resource adapter that represents the Resource Manager of the database in Java. Each resource has to be available through the XAResource interface (so that Transaction Manager can manage them even without knowing the implementation details of a specific data-store).

    Your application communicates with both the Resource Managers (to get access to the specific resources) by the resource adapters, as well with the Transaction Manager (to start/finish a transaction) by the UserTransaction interface. Each Resource Manager needs to be initialized first and it has to be configured for global transactions (i.e. spanning across several data-stores).

    So basically, yes, data-stores are independent logical units that group some resources. They also exhibit interface that allows to perform local transactions (confined to that specific data-store). This interface might be better-performing or might expose some additional functionality specific to that data-store which is not available through the JTA interface.

    This is the architecture of JTA environment:

    JTA architecture

    The small half-circle represents the JTA interface. In your case you're mostly interested in the JTA UserTransaction interface. You could also use EJB (transactional beans) and the Application Server would manage transactions for you, but that's a different way to go.

    From the transaction manager’s perspective, the actual implementation of the transaction services does not need to be exposed; only high-level interfaces need to be defined to allow transaction demarcation, resource enlistment, synchronization and recovery process to be driven from the users of the transaction services.

    So the Transaction Manager can be understood as an interface which only represents the actual mechanism used to manage transactions such as JTS implementation, but thinking about it as a whole is not an error neither.

    From what I understand, if you run for instance a JBoss application server, you're already equipped with a Transaction Manager with the underlying transaction service implementation.