
How to add a link in Jquery PrettyPhoto to download the image

I am using Jquery PrettyPhoto to have a slide show, however it does not let the users to download the images. Anyone know how can I add a link to it so users will be able to download the images?

Here is my code: (I am using prettyPhoto Widget in Yii, but any answer in general for prettyPhoto will be great)

  $this->beginWidget('ext.prettyPhoto.PrettyPhoto', array(
        // prettyPhoto options
<div class="column4-front image-gallery">

         <a href="/files/show/<?php echo $data->image; ?>" rel="prettyPhoto[pp_gal]" title="<?php echo $data->caption; ?>">
             <img src="/files/show/thumb/<?php echo $data->image; ?>" />

<?php $this->endWidget('widgets.prettyPhoto');?>  


  • Easy!

    HTML (title is empty!)

    <a id="photo_link" href="http://link_to_image_or_video" rel="prettyPhoto" title="">
        <img src="images/play-video.png" alt="" title="" width="380" height="147" />

    JS (inside the document ready)

    //do not show title on download link hover (download button)
        $(this).attr('data-title', $(this).attr('title'));
        $(this).attr('title', $(this).attr('data-title'));
    //add download link on the fly on click of photo link
    $("#photo_link").on('click', function(){
        $(this).attr('title', '<div class="center"><a href="#download_link" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"><strong>Download</strong></a></div>');

    No PrettyPhoto JS changes are necessary. Here is the simple idea. Yours to play inside Yii framework.

    Even easier: Only JS (include JS in your view)

        social_tools: '<div class="center"><a id="get_started" href="#contact" class="btn btn-primary btn-lg"><strong>Download</strong></a></div>',
        default_width: 800,
        default_height: 450