
Google Cloud endpoints and service accounts returning :Oauth framework user didn't match oauth token user

Im trying to access a google cloud endpoint from a cmdline using service account similar to

As instructed from the example, I created a clientid + pk12 cert and using them to create the credential with the SignedJwtAsertionCredential call from the oauth2client.client module.

Works as expected when I call my cloud endpoint running on my local devserver however when I call the deployed gae cloud endpoint I get

Oauth framework user didn't match oauth token user.

Seems to be failing on the oauth.get_client_id(scope) call from user_id_token._set_bearer_user_vars().

When I added a traceback on the exception, it looks to be coming from _maybe_raise_exception

E 2014-01-02 10:30:53.926 raise NotAllowedError(error_detail) E 2014-01-02 10:30:53.926 NotAllowedError

Is there a way to resolve this error without changing the app's authentication type? Seems to be not allowing the request due to the domain restriction?

My goal is to call the cloud-endpoint without having a user involved, not sure if i'm the right path using the SignedJwtAsertionCredential call or if possible?

Additional info.

The authentication type of the endpoint is set to "Google App Domain"

The user_required is True on the endpoint method

The access token generated from the SignedJwtAssertCredential is as expected when i use

The endpoint works as expected from the api explorer and when there is the auth flow involved.

Using the endpoints_proto_datastore library.


  • The issue was due to the "Google Apps" Authentication Type selected for the application. This setting requires all accounts using the users api to be accounts and the service account is obviously not one.

    Once we changed the Auth Type to Google accounts, there was no issue with using service account and validating the client_id.