
How do I check jar file dependencies

I am coming from .NET background and I need to do some JAVA work these days. One thing I don't quite understand is how JAvA runtime resolve its jar dependencies. For example, I want to use javax.jcr to do some node adding. So I know I need to add these two dependencies because I need to use javax.jcr.Node and org.apache.jackrabbit.commons.JcrUtils.


Now I passed the compilation but I get an exception in runtime. Then someone told me to add one more dependency which solves the problem.


From my understanding, jackrabbit-jcr-commons needs jackrabbit-jcr2dav to run. If the jar misses a dependecy, how can it pass the compilation? And also how do I know I miss this particular dependency from jcr-common? This is a general question, it doesn't have to be specific to java jcr.


  • Java doesn't have any built-in way to declare dependencies between libraries. At runtime, when a class is needed, the Java ClassLoader tries to load it from all the jars in the classpath, and if the class is missing, then you get an exception. All the jars you need must be explicitly listed in the classpath. You can't just add one jar, and hope for Java to transitively load classes from this jar dependencies, because jar dependencies are a Maven concept, and not a Java concept. Nothing, BTW, forbids a library writer to compile 1000 interdependant classes at once, but put the compiled classes in 3 several different jars.

    So what's left is Maven. I know nothing about JCR. But if a jar A published on Maven depends on a jar B published on Maven, then it should list B in its list of dependencies, and Maven should download B when it downloads A (and put both jars in the classpath).

    The problem, however, is that some libraries have a loose dependency on other libraries. For example, Spring has native support for Hibernate. If you choose to use Spring with Hibernate, then you will need to explicitly declare Hibernate in your dependencies. But you could also choose to use Spring without Hibernate, and in that case you don't need to put Hibernate in the dependencies. Spring thus chooses to not declare Hibernate as one of its own dependencies, because Hibernate is not always necessary when using Spring.

    In the end, it boils down to reading the documentation of the libraries you're using, to know which dependencies you need to add based on the features you use from these libraries.