I want to convert a group of files, but not overwrite the existing file. How can I use mogrify to specificy the final file format? For example, firstpic.png -> firstpic-thumbnail.png, secondpic.png -> secondpic-thumbnail.png, etc.
gm mogrify -size 150x150 *.png -resize 150x150 +profile "*" "%f-thumbnail.png"
Is there any way to do this?
I don't know if there's a way to specify output file format from mogrify but I would use convert
with simple bash loop instead:
for f in *.jpg;
convert "$f" -resize 150x150 +profile "*" "${f%.jpg}-thumbnail.jpg";
Or if you really want to use mogrify
you can use -output-directory
(more on this option here) to put new files into separate directory and then take care of renaming:
mkdir tmp;
gm mogrify -output-directory tmp -size 150x150 -resize 150x150 +profile "" "*.jpg";
for f in tmp/*.jpg;
mv "$f" "${f%.jpg}-thumbnail.jpg";
mv tmp/* .;
rm -rf tmp;
I like the first method better ;)