I have the following code:
<%= link_to(content_tag(image_tag('img_blank.png', alt: "Continue"),:div, [class: "btn", id: "continue"])) %>
however, I am getting the following error:
undefined method `each_pair' for [{:class=>"btn", :id=>"continue"}]:Array
Is it possible to chain erb tags like this? What am I missing?
You should write the code for easier reading:
<%= link_to("/url") do %>
<%= content_tag(:div, class: "btn", id: "continue") do %>
<%= image_tag('img_blank.png', alt: "Continue") %>
<% end %>
<% end %>
<a href="/url">
<div class="btn" id="continue">
<img alt="Continue" src="/images/img_blank.png">