in Qt Creator (qt 4.8, winxp) I wrote
QuaZip* zipfile = new QuaZip;
QStringList files = zipfile->getFileNameList();
} // here the error occurs
when files is destroyed, a messagebox says
Debug Assertion Failed!
Expression: _CrtIsValidHeapPointer(pUserData)
In the debugger I have the following function stack:
0 DbgBreakPoint ntdll 0x7c90120e
1 RtlpBreakPointHeap ntdll 0x7c96c201
2 RtlpValidateHeapEntry ntdll 0x7c96c63e
3 RtlValidateHeap ntdll 0x7c9603b0
4 HeapValidate kernel32 0x7c85f8d7
5 _CrtIsValidHeapPointer dbgheap.c 2103 0x102d1ac9
6 _free_dbg_nolock dbgheap.c 1317 0x102d0b3a
7 _free_dbg dbgheap.c 1258 0x102d09e0
8 free dbgfree.c 49 0x102d8990
9 qFree qmalloc.cpp 60 0x5e2f1d
10 QString::free qstring.cpp 1235 0x65dd22
11 QString::~QString qstring.h 880 0x5ac0d3
12 QString::`scalar deleting destructor' QuizSet 0x4120e0
13 QList<QString>::node_destruct qlist.h 433 0x412180
14 QList<QString>::free qlist.h 759 0x4115fb
15 QList<QString>::~QList<QString> qlist.h 733 0x410967
16 QStringList::~QStringList MyApp 0x414d9f
17 MyApp::myFunction myapp.cpp 561 0x420e1c
line 433 in qlist.h is where the debugger stops:
while (from != to) --to, reinterpret_cast<T*>(to)->~T();
the error occurs only if I call ::getFileNameList(), if I fill the list manual it works fine. Other operations with quazip work, I can unzip and zip data, only the getFileNameList makes trouble.
EDIT: I found the cause: the quazip1.dll I used was the release version of it, only in debug-running this problem arised. So if I use the debug quazip.dll, it works fine. Annoying they're called the same, so I have to rename everytime I switch from debug to release. Anybody knows a workaround to this?
This means that you are mixing release mode Qt DLLs with Debug ones. You have to create 2 sets of Quazip DLLs one for Release mode and one for Debug mode. You cannot mix Qt Debug DLLs with Release DLLs.