
launch containing app from iOS8 Custom Keyboard

I want to launch my containing app.

I tried using URL schemes.

The URL scheme launched the app from other places - so the problem is not there.

Looks like this object is nil:


thus i can't run this method:

[self.extensionContext openURL:url completionHandler:nil];

Can I launch my app? Do URL Schemes work in a custom keyboard?



  • To answer MY OWN question:

    In an iOS8 custom keyboard, the extensionContext object is nil, thus I can't use it to launch the containing app.

    The workaround I came up with is:

    1. create a url scheme for your app
    2. add a UIWebView to your inputView
    3. load the url scheme for your containing app in the webview

    I'm not sure if Apple will allow this to happen, but it works now.