I get my url from the audio endpoint, location and resource in tow, but when I drop the audio into a VLCMediaPlayer/VLCMedia object it fails. So then I was just trying to get the URL to play in the standard VLC Media Player, no such luck.
However, if I use rtmpdump I can at lest see something is there with the following:
rtmpdump -r <api.location> -y <api.resource>
I'm only using rtmpdump to see if I even get any data at all, if I change the structure of the call to:
rtmpdump -r <api.location> + '/' + <api.resource>
it will fail.
This test makes be think the actual media url is not just + '/' + and I am formatting the url incorrectly for VLCKit playback, or in the VLC Player proper.
Anyway, does anyone have an example of this?
update 1
After following xhochy suggestion of /?slist=
And building VLCKit @ version 2.1-stable
The following code will play a stream:
#import <VLCKit/VLCKit.h>
self.player = [[VLCMediaPlayer alloc] init];
VLCMedia *media = [VLCMedia mediaWithURL:[NSURL URLWithString:@"<location>/?slist=<resource>"]];
self.player.media = media;
[self.player play];
update 2
You will also need to codesign the Framework after it's built, the command you are looking for is here:
codesign -v -f -s <your 40 char hash or common name> --deep VLCKit.framework/Versions/A
To play Beats Music in VLC(kit) you need to concatenate the rtmp URL via '/?slist=' so that you have <location>/?slist=<resource>
as your final URL. You will need a very recent version of VLCkit (probably best is to build from git) as there some bugfixes needed to make it running smooth.