I setup the demo with a modified login I found called open-id selector. the login works fine and the identity url comes back, but the SREG data I ask for is never populated, required or optional. I am logging into my page with a gmail account. Here is the code from my try_auth.php that I edited
$sreg_request = Auth_OpenID_SRegRequest::build(
// Required
// Optional
array('fullname', 'gender', 'timezone', 'dob', 'country'));
what gives?
Google's OpenID identity provider doesn't support SREG.
Instead, they support OpenID Attribute Exchange for limited attributes (username and e-mail address, I think). It's newer than SREG, although I'm not sure which is more common in the wild. The Janrain library should support both though, I'd imagine.
If you want to test with an IdP that definitely does support SREG, try MyOpenID.