I've got this Google Map (works on my website, can't get it to work in jsfiddle?)
I want to use an infobubble instead of the infowindow because I cant style the infowindow at all with css it seems. Everytime I try to add a new infobubble it just crashes the map. Not having much luck with existing questions.
Well, there were following issues in your fiddle:
Your code works fine after the modifications.
Here is the demo : http://jsfiddle.net/lotusgodkk/x8dSP/3605/
I didn't modified anything except reodering the code. I placed this code: google.maps.event.addDomListener(window, 'load', init);
at the end instead of the beginning and added the necessary javascript file.
And added the following CSS:
#map_canvas {
height: 500px;
width: 500px;