In Spring MVC when placing an object in the view model like so:
public String getUser( Model model ) {
//...fetch user...
model.addAttribute( "user", user );
return "viewName";
and accessing it's values in the JSP / JSTL view like this:
I'm wondering if it is possible to have code assist for the user
object in the view?
The IDE I'm using is MyEclipse but it would be interesting to know if this is possible in other editors as well.
Ideally you want the JSP/JSTL standard tags to be agnostic of the technology that supplies these objects but you are correct in that atleast while designing the support will be useful.
However it looks like Intellij IDEA seems to have something similar to what you want (towards the end)!
You have to add a JSP comment like this:
<%--@elvariable id="pet" type="com.mycompany.Pet"--%>
IntelliJ will then autocomplete based on that type.
Is using IntelliJ ruled out for you?