I am using sapi 5.4 and I am able to retain the audio for training but for adding it to registry entries as given in this Acoustic training using SAPI 5.3 Speech API I am not able to understand the arguments to be used for ISpObjectToken::GetStorageFileName can somebody help me out with it?
isn't the best documented API in the world. Luckily, I have some worked examples to help improve the documentation.
Set this if you need the file name associated with the object token. For training, this should be CLSID_NULL
. (If you're updating engine-related data, then it would be the CLSID of the engine.)
The name of the registry subkey to store the filename in. For training, this should be L"TrainingAudio-<locale>"
, where locale should be the 4 digit locale ID for the engine.
The name of the file to be created.
If this starts with "X:\" or "\" it is assumed to be a full path.
Otherwise it is assumed to be relative to the special folder ID given in the nFolder parameter.
If pszFileNameSpecifier ends with a '\', or is NULL a unique file name will be created.
If the name contains a %d the %d is replaced by a number to give a unique file name.
For training, you should specify something like L"TrainingAudio\\TR_%d.wav".
A CSIDL value that identifies the folder whose path is to be retrieved. The user can force the creation of a folder by combining the folder's CSIDL with CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE. If pszFileNameSpecifier is NULL or "\", nFolder must have a specified CSIDL folder combined with CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE if the user wants to force to create the file.
For training, this should be CSIDL_LOCAL_APPDATA | CSIDL_FLAG_CREATE
Address of a pointer to the null-terminated string that receives the file path information. Use CoTaskMemFree to release the string when done.