
OpenSeadragon change images in a collection on the fly

I have a serie of DZI images (a scanned book) that I want to display in OpenSeadragon. If I use the collectionMode, I can set up OpenSeadragon to display two images on one page. But can I dynamically changes those images into other images?

My goal is to display page even and page odd, two at a time, but use their sequence mode to so to speak turn the pages in the book.

If anyone knows about other projects with a comparable aim, I would also appreciate a nudge in here (It seems to me to be quite an obvious need, but I haven't found any projects working on it yet)?



  • This is exactly the sort of scenario that is meant to address. It's a big project, though, so it may not be usable for a couple months yet. If you're interested in helping to make it happen, we'd love to have the help! Otherwise, you can subscribe to that issue to keep abreast of the progress.