I'm writing a class in Groovy, and I want to generate Groovydoc for it (from the command line). In my class, I've written documentation for the methods like this:
* Returns blah blah blah
def getFoo(){
But when I run groovydoc -classpath C:\groovyStuff\ -d . *.groovy
It generates the HTML template, but no actual content.
What have I done wrong?
If the root of your source tree is c:\groovyStuff\
you can use something like this...
groovydoc -sourcepath c:\groovyStuff -d . com.somepackage
The -d .
is a little peculiar because that is going to put the generated files in the current directory. That is what you used in your example but maybe you want something like -d output
or something similar.
Does that help?