I am using the google-rfc-2445 library to determine the next meeting days for meeting that I pull from a user's calendar on their android device. The an example format for the recurrence rule I get back is :
I'm using DateIteratorFactory.createDateIterator()
to determine the next meeting date. If I turn strict mode off, then the beginning date of the meeting is all that's returned. With strict mode on, nothing is returned and when I read through the log, I see an error message that says :
"java.text.ParseException: FREQ=WEEKLY;UNTIL=20140826T223000Z;WKST=MO;BYDAY=TU
(at offset 0)".
Any ideas? I'll list my code below, for example sake, I just use the system time in my example.
rrule = "Date start = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());"
Date start = new Date(System.currentTimeMillis());
TimeZone dt = TimeZone.getDefault();
// Next Notification
Date f = null;
try {
DateIterator di = DateIteratorFactory.createDateIterator(rrule, start, dt, true);
} catch (ParseException e) {
System.out.println("Next = " + f);
I figured out the problem. I had to append "RRULE:" to the beginning of the recurrence rule String.