I try several ways like stubbing STDOUT, using highline-test and aruba gems, but it still stops my cucumber tests and asking for user input. Are there best practices for testing such applications with Cucumber?
Aruba gives me solution.
First of all, my mistake was creating new instance of app's root class without checking if __FILE__ == $0
And finally it looks like this:
Feature: Manage app with dashboard
As an app user
In order to control application
I want to have a dashboard
Scenario: View dashboard
When I run `../../lib/reporter.rb` interactively
Then I should see following choices
| 1 | Choice 1 |
| 2 | Choice 2 |
| 3 | Choice 3 |
Then(/^I should see following choices$/) do |table|
menu = ''
table.rows_hash.each do |key, value|
menu << "#{key}. #{value}\n"
Timeout::timeout(exit_timeout) do
loop do
break if assert_partial_output_interactive(menu)
sleep 0.1