I want to replace {x} where x is a number from 1-10 with a string from an array. The array is populated by splitting a string with whitespace.
I have put together some code but the regex is probably wrong.
my @params = split(' ', "Paramtest: {0} {1} {2}");
my $count = @params;
for (my $i = 0; $i <= $count; $i++) {
my $param = @params->[$i];
$cmd_data =~ s/{"$i"}/"$param"/;
if(!$cmd_data) {
$server->command(sprintf("msg $target %s incorrect syntax for %s.", $nick, "!params p1 p2 p3"));
$server->command(sprintf("msg $target %s.", $cmd_data));
I've tried using the below code as a modified version of Miller's (the first answer)
my @params = split(' ', "!fruit oranges apples");
my $cmd_data = "Fruits: {0} {1}";
$cmd_data =~ s{\{(\d+)\}}{
$params[$1] // die "Not found $1" #line 160
$server->command(sprintf("msg $target %s.", $cmd_data));
Not found 1 at myscript.pl line 160.
Perhaps a more generalized search and replace will serve you better:
use strict;
use warnings;
my @params = qw(zero one two three four five six seven eight);
my $string = 'My String: {0} {1} {2}';
$string =~ s{\{(\d+)\}}{
$params[$1] // die "Not found $1"
print $string;
My String: zero one two