is possible in PSQL console export file with current date on the end of the file name? The name of the exported file should be like this table_20140710.csv is it possible to do this dynamically? - the format of the date can be different than the above it isn't so much important.
This is example what i mean:
\set curdate current_date
\copy (SELECT * FROM table) To 'C:/users/user/desktop/table_ ' || :curdate || '.csv' WITH DELIMITER AS ';' CSV HEADER
Dynamically build the \copy
command and store it in a file. Then execute it with \i
First set tuples only output
Set the output to a file
\o 'C:/users/user/desktop/copy_command.txt'
Build the \copy
select format(
$$\copy (select * from the_table) To 'C:/users/user/desktop/table_%s.csv' WITH DELIMITER AS ';' CSV HEADER$$
, current_date
Restore the output to stdout
Execute the generated command from the file
\i 'C:/users/user/desktop/copy_command.txt'