
application migrating from weblogic 9.2 to weblogic 12c

I want to migrate an application from webLogic 9.2 server to webLogic 12 c. I'm newer for this process. Can someone help me for making this, please? I don't know very much weblogic server.




  • First of install the binaries and create a new weblogic domain or upgrade the older domain.

    if you are using third party jars with your application, you need to tell weblogic to use your application jars instead of its own jars.

    This is done in weblogic.xml file. In older versions of weblogic. this tag is used

       <prefer-web-inf-classes> true </prefer-web-inf-classes>

    in weblogic 12c this is not the recommended way. You need to user

     <prefer-application-packages> tag and specify the list of application packages that you want to be loaded from your application as opposed to weblogic12c own jars 

    more on this

    its not a very straight-forward thing to do, so good luck!