I'm just getting my feet wet with the SysOperation framework and I have some ReliableAsynchronous processes that run and call info("starting...")
I want these infolog messages so that when I look in the BatchHistory
, I can see them for purposes of investigating later.
But they also launch to the client, from the batch. And I can tell they're from the batch because you can't double click on the infologs to go to the source. Is there someway to either suppress these from popping up on the user's screen and only show in the batch log?
EDIT with some code: User clicks a button on form action pane that calls an action menu item referencing a class.
In the class, the new method:
public void new()
this.parmMethodName(methodStr(MyControllerClass, pickTransLines));
// This is meant to be running as a batch task, so don't load syslastvalue
The main method hit from the menu item:
public static void main (Args _args)
MyControllerClass controller = new MyControllerClass();
MyContract contract;
WMSOrderTrans wmsOrderTrans;
RefRecId refRecId;
if (_args && _args.dataset() == tableNum(WMSOrderTrans) && _args.record())
contract = controller.getDataContractObject();
refRecId = controller.doBatch().BatchJobId;
// This creates a batch tracking record
controller.updateCreateTracking(refRecId, _args.record().RecId);
The controller method that gets launched:
// Main picking method
private void pickTransLines(MyContract_contract)
MyTrackingTable tracking;
boolean finished;
BatchHeader batchHeader = BatchHeader::getCurrentBatchHeader();
boolean updateTracking = false;
// NOTE - This infolog launches after a few seconds to the user, but
// you can't double click on the info message to go to the code
// because it's fired from the batch somehow.
info(strFmt("Working on wmsordertrans.recid == %1", _contract.parmRefRecId()));
// Create/Update batch tracker if needed
if (this.isInBatch())
// NOTE - This code gets executed so we ARE in batch
// Do the pick work
finished = this.doPick(_contract);
throw error("An error occurred during the picking process.");
Then a split second later this launches to my session:
Look at the SysOperationServiceController.afterOperation
if (_executionMode == SysOperationExecutionMode::ReliableAsynchronous)
batch = this.operationReturnValue();
if (batch)
This is the code that shows the infolog to the screen for reliable asynchronous processed.
You can create your own controller by extending SysOperationServiceController
and use that on your menu item or in code, so do that and overwrite the afterOperation
on your new controller, for example like this (didn't test but should work in your case):
if (_executionMode != SysOperationExecutionMode::ReliableAsynchronous)
super(_executionMode, _asyncResult);